Tapping in To The Supernatural

Hey Fam! 

It's been over a week since my last post. Took some family time and growth time off briefly to plan and create. I have also been learning a new skill to enhance my performances. I will do whatever it takes to improve and grow. I came up with an idea for a podcast to share with my audience, but also as a teaching opportunity as a youth advocate and mentor. I decided to share my own stories and experiences, if this can be of help or inspire another young person. I haven't done all the right steps all the time. I am far from perfect. In fact I am know to be extremely humble. I still have not realized my full potential.  

One thing I do know is that I have always desired greatness for my life. I need wanted to have an ordinary existence. I never would be happy just doing a day job or owning a business. I would never be satisfied if I was not living a life of supernatural existence. I am supernatural. I feel Supernatural. I was created to be like the Supernatural. My siblings and I watched super heroes and made costumes to wear as we played around the house. I got rushed to the hospital at age 9 because I put a medal object in my ear to obtain supernatural hearing and it went too far. I was one of those kids who believed the shows on TV and wanted to be inside there. Marvel comics was the best, Wonder Woman and Supergirl was me for sure. I also loved Bionic Woman back then. 

I read the Bible as a young girl, and always saw myself in the greatest characters who were known tomato a difference. As I grew older I found a connection to African Queens. I feel I am the reincarnation of Amina or Nzinga. The interesting thing is that I am naturally the most bashful in the family. I am truly modest and only speak to those who connect with my spirit. Otherwise I watch and listen or remove myself. If I can not physically do so, then you might catch me zoning to the other planet where I live in my head. Thats why my siblings would say that I am spaced out. I become non responsive when spoken to because I am somewhere else already, just not physically. 

The point is my thinking is just different. I was always ahead of my time with my music career. My vision for Africa to unite with hip hop to educate our youthful black Americans, and dispel the miseducation. I always had pride in my African heritage although born in US. I started rocking my natural hair and gele when performing. My sibling group, the SOURCE Intl Clique back then in the 90s already started recording and performing songs with Afrobeat hip hop fusion. I even walked my record directly into the Shrine to meet Femi Kuti because his father's music was used to honor him and his movement. That song was nominated for NEA award and I never officially sold or released it. I was never signed to an official label and I received the 1st NEA Award for Best Hip Hop in a Male/Female category. I know it's raw talent but it's also favor from God as I am becoming more aware of the Supernatural in my life.  

I believe my voice to be that of a messenger because without any millionaire inheritance, label support, or major distribution, I have accomplished global achievements in my career, yet I am probably so modest that upon meeting me you wouldn't even realize I was a global talent and a force to be reckoned with. That is all from God, not me. I guess thats why they call it alter ego after all. I don't practice anything dark, this is all coming from the light of God and the Supernatural activity happening in my world.  

On that note, I intend to start sharing more via just speaking into the microphone, record it, produce it, and feel free to share it with the world. My hope is to inspire others. So many are out here seeking fetish means to make their voice heard by all. How can we seek darkness when we were created by the light. I want my young people to do better with this Hip Hop culture. I want to see us tap back in to the Supernatural, and stop seeking fame. Let go of greed and desperate acts that hurt other people. I do believe one should be competitive, but in a healthy way. I can be better than I once was by growing and investing in my skills. I don't have to focus o how to eliminate him or her just to make a way for me. Not if I am different already. Stop being a copy copy, or copy cat. Be original, and only learn from the players of the great stories you learn, but if Beyonce is still alive, don't come out being another Beyonce. She tapped into historical queens too, so do that. In history you can find your future. Immitators are whack. Like the great DMX said, Do You and always and forever, put God first no matter what. That way your decisions will be influenced by good and light, and take you further. Darkness and Fear can only bring depression. Thats another topic all together for another day. I wish you Peace, Love and Light. Remain blessed.

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