2020 Year of Grace

I don’t know about you, but the past year of life has completely got me singing a new tune. Initially, I had a bit of shock to my system accepting the state of the world has really changed. The world we know would never be the same. Do we gather our loved ones? Do we run for the hills? What steps do I take? Not even the church was safe. As a prolific thinker and deep knowledge seeker I already knew this might happen some day, and well it’s already been changing since the millennium. But since we saw no apocalypse, maybe I had hoped it would not be in my generation. 

Panic set in. Surely, there must be something more. Surely this wasn’t gonna be the end of days. I am not done with my bucket list and I still have a lot to accomplish. I have to be living abundantly in my purpose! On my new health quest, I had just started consuming and selling products for TLC, Total Life Changes, and I was told in pandemic we sell them on zoom calls, and convince them we have the supplements they now need more than ever like Nutraburst, and the Iaso detox tea. It’s true the products are pretty good, and I was selling them surely though slowly. I did my best to keep up with team activities then on zoom, and make my daily call list, and social media posting quotas. And I was giving away samples as well, anything to get new customers. 

I later joined a trading education company that I became interested in  the fall before, known as IM Academy also making a lot of traders very wealthy right before my eyes. I was in there. I was so proud of myself as I was learning about investing foreign currencies and bitcoin as a tool to invest and purchase with, while making amazing new friends. My dedication to the group and the team overtook the time I had for my former TLC team.  I felt in this way ‘I could really help people since I was learning something most blacks knew nothing about, and since my team was more present in my area. I figured I would do better with the trade business, no physical products to push, if I could only stop pushing the tea for now. Thats what I did eventually but I continued for many months just with both companies to give options and hopefully make enough sales. I love TLC but only if selling as an online ambassador, no carrying products. 

I figured back then, since we are learning the same principles about selling, mindset growth, self belief and what not. I really tried even all the way into my journey back home to Nigeria, doing my best to learn to trade, recruit, and keeping up with my team online. Eventually decided to stick to the trading platform only since I had so many TLC products still and did not make sense keeping up smart ship since my team members wouldn’t stick with the work needed to be done. Maybe signing family first is not the best way to go. I love both companies, TLC and IM Academy, but I just didn’t have it in me to give up all my personal goals and keep up with the demands of MLM type organizations. 

Don’t get me wrong, I commend my team mates on both companies doing great things. It’s truly admirable and I will continue to repost for them and love on them. I just have to face myself in the mirror finally. I have invested many years and many of my hard earned dollars in this MLM game and its just not for me. I won’t lie it’s heartbreaking for me considering the beautiful family connection when growing together. I still recommend it for anyone who has limited education, goals and low self belief, and need a new energy going forward. 

But for me, I have a duty to complete what I started, fans who are still looking out for Madarocka Chi, and future generations to inspire to create better music and become their own best self. I do this for the culture, and I am not finished yet.

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